Today, we released Mirage 1.1.5 and mirage-scala 0.0.4!
Mirage is a simple SQL centric database access library and mirage-scala is the wrapper of Mirage for Scala. See the following URL to know about Mirage:
This release contains some important new features for mirage-scala. Mirage update is only small bug fix. So I introduce new features of mirage-scala 0.0.4 in this entry.
Improvement of SqlManager interface
Some methods of SqlManager had a java.lang.Class parameter which specifies the entity class in the previous version. But in mirage-scala 0.0.4, it modified to the generics type parameter.
// Until mirage-scala 0.0.3 val books = sqlManager.getResultList( classOf[Book], Sql("SELECT * FROM BOOK")) // In mirage-scala 0.0.4 val books = sqlManager.getResultList[Book]( Sql("SELECT * FROM BOOK"))
Improvement of case class entity
mirage-scala can handle case class as the entity. But it required the default constructor as below:
@Table(name="BOOK") case class Book( @(PrimaryKey @field)(generationType = IDENTITY) bookId: java.lang.Long, bookName: String, author: String, price: Option[Int]) { // This is not required in mirage-scala 0.0.4 def this() = this(null, null, null, None) }
The default constructor of case class is not required no longer in mirage-scala 0.0.4.
Wrapping primary key by Pk[T]
In mirage-scala 0.0.4, Pk[T], Id[T] and Auto are added. You can use Pk[T] to wrap the property which corresponds to the primary key. It is useful when the primary key is set by the database. For example, it's auto incremented column.
@Table(name="BOOK") case class Book( @(PrimaryKey @field)(generationType = IDENTITY) bookId: Pk[Long], bookName: String, author: String, price: Option[Int]) val book = Book( Auto, "Mirage in Action", "Naki Takezoe", 25) sqlManager.insertEntity(book)
If you have to set the value of the primary key, you can use Id[T] instead of Auto.
@Table(name="BOOK") case class Book( @(PrimaryKey @field)(generationType = APPLICATION) bookId: Pk[Long], bookName: String, author: String, price: Option[Int]) val book = Book( Id(1), "Mirage in Action", "Naki Takezoe", 25) sqlManager.insertEntity(book)
Anyway, mirage-scala became more scalanized database access library in 0.0.4. I hope mirage-scala will help your development with Scala!
2 件のコメント:
Very cool. Thanks.
Mirage looks very simple and fantastic, but for now we use it only for the automatic "setting" of parameters in prepared statements based on names (so your SQL parser).
(would love if the parser would be documented in English since it's pretty complicated).
The "ORM" like functionality might also look interesting to us, but we use ORMLite . Any idea how does the "orm" functionality of Mirage to ORMLite?
Thanks for the useful SQL parser in Mirage.
We couldn't provide documentations enough to use, not only internal details. I'll make effort to make them.
ORMLite seems so simple and lightweight, I like such products :-) Mirage provides only minimum required features as ORM. It maps ResultSet to JavaBean simply. It doesn't support relationship, DDL generation and etc... Using Mirage with other ORM such as ORMLite might be a good solution.